
Network Connectivity and Repeated Interactions in an Information Sharing Dilemma (2024), with M. Derex and R. Romaniuc. Annals of Economics and Statistics [Ungated version; video-presentation]

Changes in Social Norms After the Onset of COVID-19 Across 43 Countries (2024), with G. Andrighetto, M. Gelfand, K. Eriksson and A. Székely et al. Nature Communications [paper]

Evidence from 43 countries that disease leaves cultures unchanged in the short-term (2024), with G. Pasin, A. Szekely, E. Polizzi, and G. Andrighetto. Scientific Reports (Nature Portfolio) [paper].

Disentangling material, social, and cognitive determinants of human behavior and beliefs (2023), with D. Tverskoy, A. Sanchez, G. Andrighetto and S. Gavrilets. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications (Nature Portfolio) [paper]

Controlling Monopoly Power in a Classroom Double-Auction Market Experiment (2021), with G. Attanasi, M. Lefebvre and K. Boun-My. Journal of Public Economic Theory [paper].

Cooperation, Response Time, and Social Value Orientation: A Meta-Analysis (2020) with G. Andrighetto, V. Capraro and A. Székely. Proceedings of the Cognitive Science Society; [paper; Data and code]

Group Formation and Cooperation in social dilemmas: a survey and a meta-analytic evidence (2019) with R. Romaniuc and A. Robbett,  Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization [paper] [companion website]

Working Papers

Under Revision

Reference Dependence and the Role of Information Frictions, with R. Rholes and A. Marquina-Martinez. [WP]

A comparison of endogenous and exogenous group formation to increase cooperation, with R. Romaniuc and L. Putterman [available upon request]

Nudging or Nagging: The perils of persuasion, with D. Tverskoi, S. Gavrilets, A. Sanchez and G. Andrighetto [WP]

Augmented Reality for environmental fundraising: A laboratory study, with G. Attanasi, B. Buljat and A. Festré. [WP]

Le job market français des docteurs en économie with A. Malezieux [available upon request]

Publicly Available

Increasing Vaccine Acceptance and Uptake: A Review of the Evidence, (2021), with R. Romaniuc, N. Mai, E. Spiegelman and A. Sutan. [WP]

Accounting for Italy's North-South Divide in Trusting Behaviour: Experimental Evidence from Southern Emigrants, (2024), with G. Degli Antoni and G. Grimalda. [WP; Supplementary Online Material)

The role of risk and social preferences in behavioral addictions. An observational study during lockdown, (2022), with Ceruti G., Bernard A., Allouche J., Attanasi G., Cherikh F.  [WP]

In preparation

Encouraging Responsible Internet Data Consumption, in partnership with Orange Innovation Research (large field experiment; see media coverage)

Increasing Voter Turnout, with R. Romaniuc, D. Dubois, et al. (large field experiment; see project website)

Bank-Loan Repayment and Trustworthiness, with R. Romaniuc and T. Oghenefejiro

Outcome-based vs. Norm-based models: explaining Dictator's behavior, with G. Andrighetto, E. Polizzi

"A Theoretical Model of Trust Networks", with P. Hernandez.

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